Coding Standards for Developing AI Store with AI Mini Programs

Submission Process Refer to programming and related specifications

Develop on user’s own server

Submit executable program and source code

Review and annotate for release

Allocate revenue at the end of each month.

Server and Related Software Versions and Configuration


OS Version:

Development Environment:

Development Language:

Code Writing Standards

Applications must use publicly available APIs to achieve their functions and cannot use private APIs.

Applications must remain stable during runtime and cannot crash or cause device freeze.

Applications must comply with our company’s privacy policy and data collection requirements and cannot collect or use personal information without user consent.

Applications must comply with our company’s regulations, including prohibiting child abuse, opposing malicious behavior, etc.

Applications must support various resolutions and screen sizes of the devices and must be able to display correctly on various devices.

Applications must comply with our company’s copyright and intellectual property requirements and cannot infringe on the rights of any other person.

Applications must support the latest operating system and devices to ensure compatibility on new devices.

Applications must undergo complete testing and review on our company’s AI Store and cannot include false or misleading information.

Coding Standards:

1) Use language features. Our company’s coding guidelines recommend that developers use the latest version of the development language to improve code readability, maintainability, and scalability.

Developers must use consistent naming conventions to facilitate other developers to understand and use the code. CamelCase naming convention is recommended, and clear and meaningful names should be used.


Developers must use consistent code formatting, including indentation, spaces, braces. This makes the code easier to read, understand and reduces errors.

Developers must provide clear handling methods for error situations in the code and use error-handling mechanisms to reduce the likelihood of application crashes.

Developers use automatic reference counting (ARC) to manage the application’s memory to reduce the likelihood of memory leaks.

2) HTML5 Coding Standards

DOCTYPE Declaration: In HTML5, the document type declaration should always be <!DOCTYPE html>.

Syntax Specification: In HTML5, not all tags need to be closed, but it is necessary to use lowercase letters to represent tag names, attribute names, and attribute values, and use double quotes to wrap attribute values.

HTML Structure: HTML documents in HTML5 should always include <head> and <body> tags, rather than using the <body> tag to replace the <head> tag.

CSS and JavaScript: In HTML5, CSS and JavaScript should be placed in external files and referenced using <link> and <script> tags.

Tag Semantics: HTML5 tags should use their semantic meanings rather than abusing tags for styling purposes.

Form: Forms in HTML5 should use semantic tags such as <input>, <textarea>, <label>, etc. and avoid using tables to layout forms.

Image: In HTML5, images should use the <img> tag rather than using background images or CSS-based techniques.

Web Accessibility: Web pages in HTML5 should follow accessibility standards, such as using semantic tags, providing accessible text, etc., to ensure that web pages can be accessed and used by as many people as possible.

3)CSS Standards Used by HTML5

Syntax Specification: CSS should use lowercase letters to represent style names, attribute names, and attribute values, and use double quotes to wrap attribute values.

Naming Conventions: CSS should use semantic naming conventions to help other developers understand the purpose of the code better. For example, use class names instead of ID selectors, and use descriptive names instead of short names.

Selectors: CSS should avoid using universal selectors and descendant selectors, as they can cause performance problems. Class selectors and ID selectors should be used as much as possible.

Style reuse: CSS should try to avoid duplicating style code, and cascading and inheritance can be used to reduce code duplication.

Box Model: CSS should adhere to the standards of the box model, including content, padding, border, and margin.

Layout: In HTML5, flexible box and grid layout should be used instead of traditional float layout.

Responsive Design: CSS should use responsive design techniques to enable websites to be displayed correctly on different devices and screens.

Rendering Effects: CSS should use pure CSS as much as possible to achieve rendering effects, rather than using JavaScript or other technologies.